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Mission-Critical AI Demands Quality Data

The leading platform for creating high-quality labeled data and evaluating model outputs, all with human supervision.

Mission Critical AI

New sales co-pilot products

Why HumanSignal

6-fold increase in AI development speed

Mission Critical AI

Move to resolution-based pricing

Why HumanSignal

Zero false positives

Mission Critical AI

Pre-natal ultrasound screening

Why HumanSignal

100% HIPAA compliant AI models

Mission Critical AI

New sales co-pilot products

Why HumanSignal

6-fold increase in AI development speed

Mission Critical AI

Move to resolution-based pricing

Why HumanSignal

Zero false positives

Mission Critical AI

Pre-natal ultrasound screening

Why HumanSignal

100% HIPAA compliant AI models

Continuous quality ensures your AI success

AI/ML models are accurate, robust and non-biased when trained and evaluated with human labeled data that’s continuously validated with quality workflows.

Predictions Raw Data Data Quality Workflows ACCURATE Expert review workflow andground truth verification CONSISTENT Annotator agreementworkflow to maintain standards over time COMPLETE Label distribution checks toensure relevant data labeled properly Mission-Critical Models HIGH PERFORMANCE Boost accuracy, precisionand recall, and F1 score ROBUST Performs well despitevariations in the environment FAIR Ensure unbiased outcomeswith bias and fairness metrics Changes in Data & Environments DRIFT PLATFORM CHANGES COMPLIANCE & REGULATION END USER FEEDBACK Determines predictionaccuracy & error rates Influences model’s abilityto handle variations Reduces systematic biasin predictions Ensures reliable andrepeatable predictions Ensures representationacross all groups Enables better handlingof diverse scenarios
Data Quality Workflows ACCURACY Expert review workflowand ground truth verification CONSISTENCY Annotator agreementworkflow to maintain standards over time COMPLETENESS Label distributionchecks to ensure relevant data labeledproperly Mission-Critical Models HIGH PERFORMANCE Boost accuracy,precision and recall, and F1 score ROBUST Performs well despitevariations in the environment FAIR Ensure unbiasedoutcomes with bias and fairness metrics Changes in Data & Environments DRIFT PLATFORM CHANGES COMPLIANCE &REGULATION END USERFEEDBACK Predictions Raw Data Determinesprediction accuracy & errorrates Influences model’sability to handle variations Reduces systematicbias in predictions Ensures reliable andrepeatable predictions Ensuresrepresentation across all groups Enables betterhandling of diverse scenarios
Raw Data Data Quality Workflows ACCURACY Expert review workflow andground truth verification CONSISTENCY Annotator agreement workflowto maintain standards over time COMPLETENESS Label distribution checks toensure relevant data labeled properly Mission-Critical Models HIGH PERFORMANCE Boost accuracy, precision andrecall, and F1 score ROBUST Performs well despite variations in the environment FAIR Ensure unbiased outcomes withbias and fairness metrics Predictions Changes in Data & Environments DRIFT PLATFORM CHANGES COMPLIANCE &REGULATION END USER FEEDBACK



Determines prediction accuracy & error rates

high performance

Influences model’s ability to handle variations


high performance

Ensures reliable and repeatable predictions


Reduces systematic bias in predictions



Enables better handling of diverse scenarios


Ensures representation across all groups

One AI quality platform for your entire enterprise

Ensure your team delivers on quality at scale with Label Studio Enterprise, the #1 data labeling platform for all of your AI initiatives.

Quality workflows deliver data that is:

Quality workflows deliver data that is:


Annotation feedback loops, reviewer workflows, ground truth validation


Inter-annotator agreement, consensus labeling, guidelines management


Label distribution plots and synthetic data augmentation

Plus everything your growing AI team needs:

Our Platform

“At the end of the day, the value we’re providing is novel machine learning algorithms that can solve problems for patients. None of that is possible without being able to create proprietary datasets that are highly accurate and labeled in an efficient, compliant and streamlined way.”

Robhy Bustami CEO

See how Label Studio Enterprise can work at your organization.