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How Yext Increased Labeling Efficiency 2-4x

Learn how Yext, a company that provides a suite of solutions that help organizations manage their online presence and deliver exceptional digital experiences, was able to more than double the number of queries their team was labeling every day while virtually eliminating data waste resulting from poor annotation quality.

Hear Machine Learning Operations Manager Vera Dvorak share how Label Studio helped Yext improve the efficiency of their labeling operations to achieve significant benefits.

She’ll also share how Yext has structured their labeling organization for maximum efficiency, and how she has unlocked the hidden potential of her labeling teams using Label Studio’s collaboration and analytics features.

See how Yext achieved these results:

  • 250% increase in capacity to take on projects
  • Annotators complete 2-4x more queries per day
  • 100% Reduction in the amount of data discarded
  • Labeling tasks the software could perform increased 3x


Vera Dvorak

Machine Learning Operations Manager

Solutions-oriented detail-attentive linguist specialized in syntax, syntax-semantics interface, and morphology, with extensive training in formal description of language grammars. Experienced in coming up with novel analyses of language phenomena of various complexity, stemming from a careful examination of spoken or written data and grounded in a given theoretical framework. Passionate about exploring new possibilities in AI & language technologies brought about by machine processing of large sums of language data.

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